Nancy Hopper's life story reads like a chapter from a novel. A San Antonio, Texas native, and Texas State University alum, she has held fast to her smart and sassy, Lone Star roots, as she has traveled the world, learning, teaching, and making friends every step of the way.
Nancy brings to the health industry a commitment to giving people a positive, powerful, and principled mindset as a backdrop to become all we can be. She appreciates the challenges that we all face as the difficulties we have in battling the bulge.
The Protein For Life program presents a lifestyle that works and has proven results. Nancy calls it the "your last diet" because you will learn how to live healthy in the "real world."
For years, she hosted the popular "Nancy Hopper Show,” interviewing guests and showcasing programs relevant to nutrition, and always encourages people to keep "Hoppin' to it!"
Nancy’s enthusiasm keeps her excited about life and her signature statement, “It’s Unbelievable!” expresses her view of life and its possibilities. People are drawn to Nancy and her genuine concern for those around her results in a long list of friends.
Nancy has had her own FDA approved Medical Weight loss Clinic for the past five years. The Protein For Life Plan is a 4 Phase program, with a beginning and an end. A 95% absorbed protein food, that you also add veggies and fish/meat (once a day.) After traveling for the company and training people on program in doctors offices and clinics, she decided to open her own wellness center to work with people inside and out, and help to improve health, energy, quality of life and spirit.
A Note From Nancy: Your Last Diet is one with a beginning AND AN END
So, if you know you want to do something, and if you haven't made up your mind exactly what you want to do with your weight dilemma, consider your options.
You've probably dieted before. Some of us could make lists of the diets we've tried. And remember how excited you were when you started out on those diets. You stocked up and got ready and maybe even partied big the night before... and it started off with a bang and then dwindled down to a drag. This time it's going to be different! The excitement of starting this plan is only the beginning. The REAL celebration comes when you reach your goal. And THAT's when the party begins. Because that's when you will have the tools to stay where you want to stay and go where you want to go! So let's hop to it!
Check out the diets and weight loss plans and exercise regimes, and then, let's talk. We hope you choose to get started on Protein for Life as soon as possible. And remember, this could be your LAST diet. Because it teaches you how to stay healthy and stay on track, the Protein For Life Plan has a beginning and, most importantly, an end. And this ending is definitely living happy - and healthy - ever after!